Traditional Chen-Style Taijiquan

taiji-gongfuWe represent a modern, precise and powerful Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan) in direct Chinese tradition! Our family style is detailed and not easy to learn, which is why it is often called Taiji Gongfu. The training is substantial and requires diligence and perseverance. However, the impact on body and mind are considerable for everyone with an assiduous practice. The vigorous movements flow fast or slow in constant interplay. The system is composed of basics, hand and weapon forms and partner training. Our Taijiquan can be practiced by both dedicated amateurs and committed professionals. We emphasize the practicality and applicability of our kungfu style, the martial as well as the health benefits, transparency in our teaching, and a self-responsible learning, an equal student-teacher relationship, as well as personal development by cultivating concentration, stamina and sensitivity. Mutual respect, honesty and fun are therefore as much part of our training as are profound, detailed and modern contents!

Chen Fake

(17th generation Chen family)

Chen FakeChen Fake (Ch. 陈 发 科, 1887-1957), who was also called Chen Fusheng, is regarded as an outstanding representative of Chen-style Taijiquan in the 20th century. Even today, this representative of the 17th family generation was called "the number one of Taijiquan”. He was also said to embody the Wude, the unit of martial arts and virtue. According to Chen Yu Chen Fake perfected his gongfu frame in his last years and taught this only to his son Chen Zhaokui. Our 83 form goes back to this long-standing tradition, allowing us a glimpse into the martial arts practice of the previous centuries. Thanks to his high skills Chen Fake made the original Taijiquan of his family known in Beijing. Among his pupils were so prominent figures such as Chen Zhaokui, Chen Zhaoxu, Feng Zhiqiang, Gu Liuxin, Hong Junsheng, Lei Muni, Tian Xiuchen etc., all of which later became famous for their own developments and skills in Taijiquan. 

Chen Zhaokui

(18th generation Chen family)

Chen ZhaokuiChen Zhaokui (Ch.陈照奎, 1928-1981) learned his father’s Taijiquan and was the most important representative of the large frame in the 18th generation of the Chen family. In 1932 he followed his father to Beijing at the age of four and later taught there, but also in other parts of China. Especially during the difficult political and social upheavals of the People's Republic in the sixties and seventies he contributed much to the teaching of the next generation. He stressed that his form had never been passed down in such a detailed way outside the family since Chen Changxing. His son Chen Yu accompanied him on all trips and learned intensively with him until his death. Chen Zhaokui returned to his birthplace Chenjiagou three times in total to teach: 1973, 1974 and 1978. At the invitation of the village elders he trained the next generation in Taijiquan. In the village they did not know the method which was passed down by Chen Fake and therefore called it "the new frame". Although his forms are still being practiced in Chenjiagou today, their inherent method how to teach and train them has been mostly forgotten or changed in the village. Among Chen Zhaokuis student were many personalities which are internationally known today. In Chenjiagou Chen Xiaowang, Chen Zhenglei, Zhu Tiancai, Wang Xian, Chen Dewang, Chen Suying, Chen Guizhen and Chen Chunai learned from him. In Zhengzhou, there were among others Zhang Maozhen, Zhang Qilin, Zhang Zhijun and Hai Yuqing, in Shanghai Wan Wende, Du Wencai, Zhang Caigen and more. Chen Zhaokui paid great attention to the fighting aspects of Taijiquan.

Chen Yu

(19th generation Chen family)

Chen Yu

Chen Yu (Chin. 陈瑜, born 1962) was born in Chenjiagou in Henan Province and is a representative of the 19th generation of the Chen family. He teaches Taijiquan in the old family tradition and places extraordinary emphasis on the exact execution of forms, conscientious training and both combative and health benefits. In Chinese martial arts circles, he is highly regarded for his impressive skills and his very special workmanship in Chen-style Taijiquan. In addition to a variety of honorary positions Chen Yu is the president of the Chen Taijiquan Zhaokui Society. He is the only child of Chen Zhaokui and grandson of the legendary Chen Fake, who introduced the Taijiquan of the founding family to Beijing. He began to assist his father at a very young age in teaching. His powerful forms and partner exercises are finely elaborated and with intensive training allow for a rapid progress. His method is exceptional and requires perseverance, which is why it is often given the name "Taiji gongfu".

Chen-Style Taijiquan Network:

Nabil Ranné

Nabil Ranné

Nabil Ranné, born in 1975, teaches Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan) as a direct disciple (dizi) of Chen Yu. He wrote his dissertation in sports sciences on the sociocultural development of the art, published several articles on the topic of Taijiquan and is a co-founder of the Chen-Style Taijiquan Network Germany (CTND). Nabil learnt Chen Yu’s unique method in a small family setting. The method is commonly regarded to be extremely accurate, compact and strong. Consequently he spent some years in intensive training mainly in China and Australia. Meanwhile, Nabil teaches this rich martial art in Germany and abroad.

Konstantin Berberich

Konstantin Berberich

Konstantin Berberich, born in 1982, is a co-founder of the Chen-Style Taijiquan Network Germany (CTND), 20th generation lineage holder and director of the Stuttgart branch of the CTND. He started to intensively learn Asian and Filipino martial arts in his youth. From his passion he started to specialize on the practical Chen Yu Taijiquan with its unique movement methodology. Consequently Konstantin became Chen Yu's official student. He teaches in his own school in Stuttgart and at several other locations in Germany.



1. 預備式 Yu bei shi


2. 起式 Qi shì

    Commencing move

3. 金刚捣碓 Jingang dao dui

    Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar

4. 懒扎衣 Lan zha yi

    Lazily tying coat

5. 六封四闭 Liu feng si bi

    Six times sealed, four times closed

6. 单鞭 Dan bian

    Single whip

7. 第二个金刚捣碓 Di er ge jingang dao dui

    Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar

8. 白鹤亮翅 Bai he liang chi

    White crane reveals its wings

9. 斜行 Xie xing

    Oblique walking

10. 初收 Chu shou

    First gathering

11. 前膛拗步 Qian tang ao bu

    Wade forward and twist step

12. 第二个斜行 Di er ge xie xing

    Second oblique walking

13. 再收 Zai shou

    Second gathering

14. 第二前膛拗步 Di er ge qian tang ao bu

    Wade forward and twist step, second time

15. 掩手肱捶 Yan shou gong chui

    Cover with your hand and strike with your upper arm (hidden punch)

16. 十字手 Shizi shou

     Cross hands

17. 第三个金刚捣碓 Di san ge jingang dao dui

    Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar

18. 庇身捶 (背折靠) Bi shen chui (Bei zhe kao)

    Cover the body and strike (the back folds and strikes)

19. 青龙出水 Qing long chu shui

    The blue-green dragon shoots out of the water

20. 双推掌 Shuang tui zhang

    Double palm push

21. 三换掌 San huan zhang

    Three palm changes

22. 肘底捶 Zhou di chui

    Punch under the elbow

23. 倒卷肱 Dao juan gong

    Turn around and roll in upper arms

24. 退步压肘 Tui bu ya zhou

    Step back and press down with your elbow

25. 中盘 Zhong pan

    Middle winding

26. 白鹤亮翅 Bai he liang chi

    White crane reveals its wings

27. 斜行拗步 Xie xing ao bu

    Oblique walking

28. 闪通背 Shan tong bei

    Dodge through the back

29. 掩手肱捶 Yan shou gong chui

    Cover with your hand and strike with your upper arm

30. 大六封四闭 Da liu feng si bi

    Six times sealed, four times closed (big)

31. 单鞭 Dan bian

    Single whip

32. 运手 Yun shou

    Circling hands

33. 高探马 Gao tanma

    Mounted scout

34. 右擦脚 You ca jiao

    Wipe the right foot

35. 左擦脚 Zuo ca jiao

     Wipe the left foot 

36. 转身左蹬脚 Zhuan shen zuo deng jiao

    Turn and kick with the left heel

37. 前膛拗步 Qian tang ao bu

    Wade forward and twist step

38. 击地锤 Ji di chui

    Punch down

39. 翻身二起脚 (神仙一把抓) Fan shen er qi jiao (Shenxian yi ba zhua )

     Turn body and kick with both feet (the immortal takes hold)

40. 护心锤 Hu xin chui

    Protect the heart and strike

41. 旋风脚 Xuan feng jiao

    Tornado kick

42. 右蹬一根 You deng yi gen

    Right heel kick

43. 海底翻花 Hai di fan hua

    Turn the flower on the seabed

44. 掩手肱锤 Yan shou gong chui

    Cover with your hand and strike with your upper arm

45. 小擒打 Xiao qin da

    Small capture and punch

46. 抱头推山 (金丝缠腕) Bao tou tui shan (Jin si chan wan)

    Hold head and push mountain (wrap the golden silk around the wrist)

47. 三换掌 San huan zhang

    Three palm changes

48. 六封四闭 Liu feng si bi

    Six times sealed, four times closed

49. 单鞭 Dan bian

    Single whip

50. 前招 Qian zhao

    Forward maneuver (lure forward)

51. 后招 Hou zhao

    Backward maneuver (lure backward)

52. 右野马分鬃 You yema fen zong

    Part the wild horse’s mane right

53. 左野马分鬃 Zuo yema fen zong

    Part the wild horse’s mane left

54. 大六封四闭 Da liu feng si bi

    Six times sealed, four times closed

55. 单鞭 Dan bian

    Single whip

56. 双震脚 Shuang zhen jiao

    Stamp with both feet

57. 玉女穿梭 Yunü chuansuo

    The jade maiden works the shuttle

58. 懒扎衣 Lan zha yi

    Lazily tying coat

59. 六封四闭 Liu feng si bi

    Six times sealed, four times closed

60. 单鞭 Dan bian

    Single whip

61. 运手 Yun shou

    Circling hands

62. 双摆莲 Shuang bai lian

    Double lotus kick

63. 跌叉 Die cha

     Fall and split

64. 右金鸡独立 You jinji duli

    The golden rooster stands on one leg, right

65. 左金鸡独立 Zuo jinji duli

    The golden rooster stands on one leg, left

66. 倒卷肱 Dao juan gong

    Turn around and roll in your upper arms

67. 退步压肘 Tui bu ya zhou

    Step back and press down with your elbow

68. 中盘 Zhong pan

    Middle winding

69. 白鹤亮翅 Bai he liang chi

    White crane reveals its wings

70. 斜行拗步 Xie xing ao bu

    Oblique walking

71. 闪通背 Shan tong bei

    Dodge through the back

72. 掩手肱锤 Yan shou gong chui

    Cover with your hand and strike with your upper arm

73. 大六封四闭 Da liu feng si bi

    Six times sealed, four times closed (big)

74. 单鞭 Dan bian

    Single whip

75. 运手 Yun shou

    Circling hands

76. 高探马 Gao tan ma

    Mounted scout

77. 十字单摆莲 Shizi dan bai lian

    Cross hands, single lotus kick

78. 海底翻花 Hai di fan hua

    Turn the flower on the seabed

79. 指裆锤 Zhi dang chui

    Striking the crotch

80. 白猿献果 Bai yuan xian guo

    White ape presents fruit

81. 小六封四闭 Xiao liu feng si bi

     Six times sealed, four times closed (small)

82. 单鞭 Dan bian

    Single whip

83. 雀地龙 Que di long

    The dragon sinks to the ground

84. 上步骑麟 (上步七星) Shang bu qilin (Shang bu qi xing)

    Step forward and ride the unicorn (seven stars posture)

85. 下步跨虎 Xia bu kua hu

    Step back and mount the tiger

86. 转身双摆莲 Zhuan shen shuang bai lian

     Turn around, double lotus kick

87. 当头炮 Dang tou pao

    Hitting the head

88. 金刚捣碓 Jingang dao dui

    Buddha’s warrior pounds mortar

89. 收势 Shou shì

    Finish form

© 2019 Daniel Barth, Peter Loughlin and Chen-Stil Taijiquan Netzwerk Deutschland



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CTND ChinaChen Zhaokui Taijiquan Gesellschaft


BVTQBundesvereinigung für Taijiquan und Qigong (BVTQ)


DDQTDeutscher Dachverband für Qigong und Taijiquan (DDQT)


tcfeTaijiquan and Qigong Federation for Europe (TCFE)